Little Hallingbury Cricket Club - Colts

Colt Summer Season 2024

Here are the details for Colt registration and membership for the summer season:

When and Where?

As usual, Colt training will be every Wednesday at 6.15pm through the summer term and into the summer holidays at Little Hallingbury Cricket Club. The first training session of the 2024 season will be on Wednesday 8th May.

How to sign up?

Please complete the Microsoft form at the link below. You will need to complete a separate form for each Colt.

Please note that you will need to fill out a form for any player who is under 18, even if they play in the adult section of the LHCC.

How much?

Colt membership remains at £30 for the season, and includes training and the opportunity to play in matches when Colts are ready.

If possible, please pay the membership fee online to the following account, stating 'COLT NAME’ as the reference.

Account Name - LHCC

Sort Code - 20-36-98

Account Number – 60583413

If you cannot pay online, please bring cash to the Colt’s first training session.

New to the Club?

Bring your Colt along on a Wednesday to a couple of free trial sessions before you join. So no need to pay yet, but please fill in a form from the link above so we know a bit about your Colt before they start. We look forward to meeting you!

Anything else?

Please note that parents/carers of primary school aged colts need to be at the training or match venue all the time the Colt is there. If you cannot be there, you need to arrange for another parent/carer to be in charge of your Colt, and let the coach know who that adult is.

Please remember to provide your Colt with suncream, hats and drinks as the weather heats up (hopefully). This especially important at matches where the colts are out in the sun for longer.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via the Contacts tab on this website.

We look forward to seeing you soon,

LHCC Colt Coaching team